Concord Fund 7 South-East Europe

National Closed-End Investment Fund.

Following a public offering of units, the total number of units issued amounts to 6 285 500 units with a nominal value of BGN 10 per unit. The Fund invests in transferable securities or other liquid financial assets the funds raised through public offering, on the principle of risk spreading. The units of the fund are dematerialized and are not subject to redemption. The National Investment Fund is a separate property for collective investment in transferable securities and other liquid financial assets of funds raised through public offering of units. The National Investment Fund is organized and managed by an Asset Management Company after obtaining the approval of the Financial Supervision Commission and is deemed established after its entry in the Register under Art. 30, para. 1 of the Financial Supervision Commission Act. All decisions regarding the FUND – its creation, operation, transformation and termination are taken by the Asset Management Company acting on behalf of the Fund. Contributions to the fund’s property may only be in cash. All assets acquired for the Fund are jointly owned by the persons investing in the fund. Fund profits and losses are borne by investors in proportion to their share in the Fund’s assets. Concord Fund-7 South-East Europe National Investment Fund has a high risk profile. The Fund is a National Closed-End Fund under the Activity of Collective Investment Schemes and Other Undertakings for Collective Investment Act in the Republic of Bulgaria. The National Investment Fund is not an enterprise within the meaning of Directive 2009/65/EC, it is not a collective investment scheme. The Fund is in the process of being established. It is managed by Concord Asset Management, with headquarters in Bulgaria, Sofia 1309, 117 T. Aleksandrov Blvd.

Investment Structure of the Shares

The investment strategy of the Closed-End National Investment Fund envisages investing up to 100% of the assets in Bulgarian and foreign issuers and realizing capital gains in high risk conditions. The Fund will seek investments that meet its investment objectives.

Risk Profile

  • Shares 62,06% 62,06%
  • Bonds 7,35% 7,35%
  • Units of Collective Investment Schemes 30,35% 30,35%
  • Receivables 0,21% 0,21%
  • Cash 0,02% 0,02%

As to 31.12.2024